Atlantic Mourns Passing Of Minister Khan

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(Atlantic LNG, 19.Apr.2021) — LNG production company Atlantic expresses heartfelt condolences on the passing of Senator the Honourable Franklin Khan, Minister of Energy and Energy Industries.

We join the national community and our energy sector colleagues in lauding Senator Khan’s distinguished career and many years of dedicated service both locally and abroad.  His successes and fortitude in the execution of his duties even in the face of diminished health were an inspiration to all of us.

Atlantic was particularly encouraged by Minister Khan’s steadfastness and commitment to duty and to the nation of Trinidad and Tobago over these many years.  We appreciated deeply the opportunity to benefit from his wise leadership and guidance in relation to our LNG industry and other energy-related matters.

Atlantic joins with the nation in directing our thoughts and prayers to his family and colleagues at this time of mourning a respected and noteworthy leader.


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