YPFB, Ministry To Move VPACF to Villa Montes

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(Energy Analytics Institute, Ian Silverman, 17.Jan.2020) — Dialogue between authorities from Bolivia’s Hydrocarbon Ministry, state oil company Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) and local representatives from the autonomous Gran Chaco regions of Yacuiba, Carapari and Villa Montes, concluded with creation of a technical commission to address the administrative, budgetary and legal aspect of consolidation of the transfer of the Vice Presidency of Administration, Contract and Supervision (VPACF) to Villa Montes.

“The decision is made, that is, we are going to start operating. It is a historical debt owed to the Gran Chaco region,” Bolivia’s hydrocarbon ministry head said after the meetings.

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