Sempra Declares Common And Preferred Dividends

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(Sempra, 9.Dec.2019) — The Sempra Energy board of directors declared a quarterly dividend of $0.9675 per share of common stock. The common stock dividend is payable Jan. 15, 2020, to common stock shareholders of record at the close of business on Dec. 30, 2019.

The company’s board of directors also declared a quarterly dividend of $1.50 per share on Sempra Energy’s 6% Mandatory Convertible Preferred Stock, Series A (Preferred Stock, Series A). The Preferred Stock, Series A, dividend will be payable Jan. 15, 2020, to Preferred Stock, Series A, shareholders of record at the close of business on Jan. 1, 2020.

Additionally, Sempra Energy’s board of directors declared a quarterly dividend of $1.6875 per share on the company’s 6.75% Mandatory Convertible Preferred Stock, Series B (Preferred Stock, Series B). The Preferred Stock, Series B, dividend will be payable Jan. 15, 2020, to Preferred Stock, Series B, shareholders of record at the close of business on Jan. 1, 2020.


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