LatAmNRG Colombia Briefs: Fracking Report, Orito Pipeline Attack

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(Energy Analytics Institute, Piero Stewart, 14.Feb.2019) — Heard on the street and LatAmNRG briefs on expert report on fracking in Colombia, attacks along the Mansoyá Orito Pipeline in Putumayo, and the Colombian congress discussing energy and gas subsidies.

Colombian Experts Reveal Report On Fracking

(Energy Analytics Institute, Piero Stewart, 14.Feb.2019) — A committee of experts created by Colombia’s Ministry of Environment and Mines, and Energy (MME by its Spanish acronym) published a summary technical report with evaluations regarding the viability or not of using hydraulic fracturing or hydraulic stimulation in Colombia to increase the extraction of oil and gas in the Andean country, reported online media El Tiempo.


Ecopetrol Announces Attack Along Mansoyá Orito Pipeline

(Energy Analytics Institute, Piero Stewart, 12.Feb.2019) — Colombia’s Ecopetrol activated a contingency plan at the Mansoyá Orito Pipeline (OMO by its Spanish acronym) after registering an attack along the Buenos Aires section of the pipeline located in the municipality of Orito (Putumayo), reported online media Portafolio.


Colombian Congress Discusses Energy, Gas Subsidies

(Energy Analytics Institute, Piero Stewart, 11.Feb.2019) — Colombia commenced discussions in congress related to the National Development Plan (PND), which included an article that would eliminate energy and gas subsidies to people in Stratum 3, while reducing the subsidies to persons in Stratums 1 and 2, reported online media Portafolio.

“In no case will the subsidy be higher than 40% of the average cost of supply for Stratum 2, nor more than 50% for Stratum 1,” reported the media, citing details from the initiative.


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