Ecopetrol Gets Approval for Contingent Credit Line for $665 Million

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(Ecopetrol S.A., 10.Sep.2018) — Ecopetrol S.A. announced that as part of its integral debt management strategy, it will sign a contingent line of credit for $665 million with Scotiabank ($430 million) and Mizuho Bank ($235 million).

Under this type of facility, known as a committed line of credit, Scotiabank and Mizuho Bank agree to disburse funds as and when Ecopetrol requires them, under terms and conditions previously agreed between the parties. This facility would increase the Company’s indebtedness only when the disbursements are made.

The contingent line will have a two (2) year availability period for disbursements, subject to the following conditions: (i) principal amortizable upon maturity after a five-year term as from the signing date of the agreement, and (ii) an interest rate of 6-month LIBOR + 125 basis points and an annual fee of 30 basis points on principal not disbursed during the availability period.

Resources to be deployed under this contingent line may be used for general corporate purposes, among them to strengthen Ecopetrol’s liquidity position in the face of eventual growth opportunities, to mitigate risks associated to unexpected fluctuations in crude prices, as well as to reduce refinancing specific needs in the coming years, with flexibility and low financing costs.

To obtain the committed line of credit, the Company complied with all required internal and external procedures and approvals, including the corresponding Authorization Resolution by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit


The conditions obtained confirm the local international financial sector’s confidence in the Company.

** This administrative act can be subject to clarifications or changes, ex officio or at request of a party, in accordance with the legal mechanism that are applicable to the effect.


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