BPTT Announces Angelin Arrival in Trinidad

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(BPTT, 2.Aug.2018) – BP Trinidad and Tobago announced its Angelin platform has arrived in T&T.

Angelin, which will be BPTT’s 15th offshore platform, was fabricated in Altamira, Mexico. The topside and jacket sailed from Altamira on June 30. Over the next few weeks they will be installed off the south east coast of Trinidad.

BPTT’s Angelin platform. Source: BPTT

The Angelin facility will be located 60 kilometres off the south east coast of Trinidad in water-depth of approximately 65 metres. Angelin was originally discovered by the El Diablo well in 1995 and appraised by La Novia in 2006. The development will include four wells and will have a production capacity of approximately 600 million standard cubic feet a day (mmscfd). Gas from Angelin will flow to the Serrette platform via a new 21-kilometre pipeline.

First gas is expected in the first quarter of 2019.

BPTT Regional President Claire Fitzpatrick said: “Angelin is part of BPTT’s long-term plan to develop its resources in the Columbus Basin and the development underscores BPTT’s commitment to Trinidad and Tobago. The safe arrival of the jacket and topsides is an important milestone and we are now focusing on the next stages of the project as we progress towards first gas in 2019.”

Trinidad and Tobago nationals were involved in the construction of Angelin and BPTT has also sought to share lessons learned during construction of the platform. As part of this effort, the company facilitated a visit to the Altamira fabrication yard by representatives from the Government and private sector.


  • The Angelin facility will be a Normally Unmanned Installation (NUI)
  • Angelin was originally discovered by the El Diablo well in 1995 and appraised by La Novia in 2006.
  • Gas from Angelin will flow to the Serrette platform via a new 21-kilometre pipeline.


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