Ecopetrol to Invest COL$94.5 Bln on Infrastructure

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(Energy Analytics Institute, Jared Yamin, 28.May.2018) ‐- Ecopetrol plans to invest a total of COL$94.5 billion Colombian pesos on infrastructure and education.

The funds for the seven projects will come from taxes, and will be destined for six Colombian departments, announced the state oil company in a Twitter post.

Department —- Type ————- Amount $COL Bln —– Area

Putumayo —— 1 Infrastructure —- $13.0 ——————- Puerto Caicedo
Caquetá ——– 1 Infrastructure —- $35.7 ——————- El Paujil, Cartagena del Chairá
Arauca ——— 1 Infrastructure —- $27.9 ——————- Arauca, Arauquita, Tame
Cesar ———– 1Infrastucture —– $4.7 ——————— La Gloria
Meta ———– 1 Infrastucture —– $2.6 ——————— San Martín
Nariño ——— 2 Education ——– $10.6 ——————- Barbacoas, Tumaco

Source: Ecopetrol

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