Colombia March Crude Output up 6.5% vs Year Ago

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(Reuters, 17.Apr.2018) – Crude oil production in Colombia reached an average of 856,478 barrels per day (bpd) in March, the Mines and Energy Ministry said on Monday, up 6.5 percent compared with the same month a year ago.

Natural gas production for March totaled 937.4 million cubic feet per day, the statement said, up 3.1 percent year-on-year. State-run Ecopetrol produces the majority of Colombia’s oil.

The following is a breakdown of Colombia’s average daily oil output:

Table 1: Crude Oil Production (Mb/d)

———- 2017 —– 2018

Jan. —– 860 ——– 860
Feb. —- 864 ——- 823
Mar. —- 804 ——-856
Apr. —- 857
May. —- 851
Jun. —– 856
Jul. —– 856
Aug. —- 858
Sep. —– 852
Oct. —– 863
Nov. —- 851
Dec. —- 870

Avg. —- 854

(NOTE: Some figures may have been modified slightly by the Energy Ministry since they were initially released.)
Source: Colombia’s Energy Ministry

Source: Reuters (Reporting by Julia Symmes Cobb Editing by Susan Thomas)

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