PetroEcuador Says Tax Increase Not to Affect Fuels

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(Energy Analytics Institute, 1.Jun.2016, Clifford Fingers III) – The price of Extra Gasoline, Extra Gasoline with Ethanol, Diesel 1, Diesel 2, Premium Diesel and LPG will not be affected by a temporary 2 percent increase in the sales tax to 14 percent from 12 percent, reported EP PetroEcuador in an official statement on its website.

The increase in the sales tax will not affect the following, as stated: the prices of Extra Gasoline, Extra Gasoline with Ethanol, and gasoline for artisan fishing; Diesel 1, Diesel 2 and Premium Diesel for the automobile, artisan fishing and national fishing and shrimping sectors; the price of LPG for domestic use and use by an taxis legally organized by Fedotaxis as well as for drying agriculture products such as corn, rice and soya.

The government of Ecuador decided to temporarily increase the sales tax in the country to be destined to activities related to the reconstruction and reactivation of areas affected by the earthquake reported on 16 April 2016.


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