Ende, Siemens Sign $397.5 Mln Contract in Bolivia

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(Energy Analytics Institute, Jared Yamin, 9.May.2016) – Bolivia’s National Electricity Company signed a contract with Siemens AG for $397.5 million to boost energy production in Termoeléctrica del Sur to 480 megawatts from 160 megawatts.

The project includes purchase of four gas turbines and four steam turbines with the addition of an estimated 320 megawatts with the idea to reach 480 megawatts at completion, reported the daily newspaper La Razón.

Recently, ENDE and Siemens signed a contract on May 5, 2016 for the Entre Ríos thermoelectric plant with the idea to boost output from 100 megawatts to 480 megawatts over two years with an investment of $378 million.

On April 28, 2016, ENDE and Siemens signed a contract for $392.5 million to boost output at the Warnes thermoelectric plant from 200 megawatts to 480 megawatts over two years.

Bolivia has announced plans to boost output at three thermoelectric plants – Termoeléctrica del Sur, Entre Ríos and Warnes – with an anticipated investment of $1.168 billion to produce 1,440 megawatts of energy.


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