Bolivia Hydrocarbon Sector Investments 2016-2020

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(Energy Analytics Institute, Jared Yamin, 4.May.2016) – With oil prices below $50 per barrel, YPFB plans investments of $12.681 billion during 2016-2020 under its Economic and Social Development Plan (PDES by its Spanish acronym) with assistance from private operators.

The majority of the investments, $7.2 billion or 57 percent of the total, will be destined for exploration and production activities in a move to boost production, reported the daily newspaper La Razón, citing an interview the daily conduced with YPFB President Guillermo Achá.


“Bolivia has important reserve potential with more than 60 Tcf of natural gas,” said Achá.

Table 1: Bolivia Hydrocarbon Sector Investments 2006-2015 ($ Mlns)

Year —- Investment

2006 —— $273

2007 —— $299

2008 —— $384

2009 —— $612

2010 —— $782

2011 —— $1,292

2012 —— $1,593

2013 —— $1,835

2014 —— $2,111

2015 —— $1,945

Source: YPFB

Bolivia’s earnings in the hydrocarbon sector are based on operating contracts whereby the state’s take away is an average 75-80 percent with the remaining 20-25 percent going to private companies, said the official.

“In many contracts that average is above 80 percent for the state,” said Achá.


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