TGS Announces Early Access to Gulf Coast Storage Assessment

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(TGS, 15 July 2024) – TGS announces early access to a comprehensive carbon storage assessment dataset along the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast, covering the available GLO lease blocks. This evaluation will help prospective bidders maximize their bid accuracy, optimize project costs and drive sustainable growth in the CCS sector.

Scheduled for release in early August, the carbon storage assessment is constructed from the largest subsurface library in the world comprising formation tops, petrophysically interpreted logs, and reservoir property maps, including the maximum carbon storage volume per formation. All deliverables are workstation ready to accelerate the exploration and site selection phase for generating bids.

Carel Hooijkaas, EVP of New Energy Solutions at TGS said, “This workstation-ready data, specifically designed to provide carbon storage volumetrics and risks, underscores our commitment to facilitating informed decision-making and promoting sustainable carbon storage solutions across the Texas Gulf Coast.  Participants in the GLO Lease Round can expect to leverage TGS data to navigate complexities and seize promising opportunities in carbon capture and storage.”

For more information on how our data can enhance your strategy in the Texas GLO CCS Lease Round, please visit Carbon Capture and Storage Suitability Assessment (


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