(Frontera Energy, 14.Mar.2019) — Frontera Energy Corporation released its consolidated financial statements, management discussion and analysis (MD&A), Annual Information Form (AIF) and Form 51-101 F1 - Statement of Reserves Data...
(Energy Analytics Institute, Ian Silverman, 14.Mar.2019) — Heard on the street and LatAmNRG briefs on PDVSA reporting a fire at three Petro San Félix storage tanks and Venezuela’s Manuel Quevedo...
(The Progressive, Edward Hunt, 14.Mar.2019) — Since ExxonMobil announced the 2015 discovery of large oil reserves off the coast of Guyana, the small South American country has been buzzing with...
(Oil & Gas Journal, Paula Dittrick, 14.Mar.2019) — Argentina plans to build natural gas pipelines and hopes to attract more oil and gas investment for the Vaca Muerta shale play...
(Argus, 14.Mar.2019) — Venezuela’s political opposition is proposing a comprehensive oil reform that would allow foreign investors to own up to 100pc of oil assets from the wellhead to the...
(Touchstone, 14.Mar.2019) — Touchstone Exploration Inc., with operations in Trinidad and Tobago, announces an operational update. Highlights Achieved January and February 2019 crude oil sales of 1,994 and 2,179 barrels...
(Energy Analytics Institute, Piero Stewart, 14.Mar.2019) — Petroecuador announced that on March 12, the country’s superintendent resolved the liquidation of the Refinería del Pacífico Eloy Alfaro Compañía Mixta, also known...
(Brazilian Government, 7.Mar.2019) — Brazil and Peru will intensify cooperation in the energy sector. The Ministers of Mines and Energy of the two countries, Bento Albuquerque (Brazil) and Francisco Atilio...
(Reuters, Julia Symmes Cobb, Nelson Bocanegra, 14.Mar.2019) — The 36,000 solar panels gleam in the tropical heat of a valley outside the city of Yumbo in western Colombia, feeding dozens...
(Energy Analytics Institute, Piero Stewart, 14.Mar.2019) — OPEC announced publication of its Monthly Oil Market Report (MOMR) as of 14 March 2019 with details on producers in Latin America and...
(Reuters, 14.Mar.2019) — BHP Group Ltd has stepped up exploration drilling in deep water off Trinidad and Tobago hunting for gas which could supply the country’s Atlantic LNG (liquefied natural...